Saturday, September 1, 2007


Several of my staff has approached me lately about their career
decisions. I really appreciate my staff opening up to me. It is quite
reassuring to know that they're still having second thoughts about
leaving. Here is part of the email I sent to a "confused" staff:

I have worked for more than 5 companies already so I guess you might be
correct in saying I have had considerable experience about leaving and
moving on. I will not stop you nor tell you to leave, though of course it
will be better if you stay. In any career decision, leaving or staying I
believe, based from my personal experiences and as an HR professional,
should only be done for the right reasons.

For one, you shouldn't leave because you don't like several people in the
company, nor should you stay because of the friends you have made here. At
the end of the day, it is your life. Your friends or "enemies" should not
make or break your career. If you let them be the deciding factor, then
maybe you should think twice. You are the craftsman of your fate and the
captain of your ship. Captain Hook shouldn't be one of your worries!

Do not leave nor stay because of the "brand" of your company. If that was
the case, I would have rushed off and sign my JO in "C"! Ask yourself
whether you want to be a big fish in a small pond or a small fish in a
bigger pond. Know your priorities. Only you can answer that.

Do not leave the company because you're so damn frustrated about the way
things are being run, or stay because you have this "messianic complex"
that you can change things overnight. Be realistic about the things. Learn
to accept that there is no perfect company. Be accepting that change is a
slow and painful process at times and be thankful that you realize and
act on things that can be changed and improved. Definitely, do not leave
or stay just because your parents want you to. I know I am advocating
obedience to parents but again, we are talking about YOUR career. But
learn to value their wisdom and discern well.

Money isn't everything. The package being offered now might be better but
look at the long-term prospects. Do not leave or stay just solely on the
compensation package. Look for growth prospects and review their career
plans for you. Your immediate gains today might actually be a loss a few
years from now if you do the Math.

Boredom is another challenge all professionals are faced with during lull
periods in their career. Do not leave because you have become so bored
with your job. Do not stay either because you want things as they are.
Change is inevitable in any organization. Talk to your boss. Ask for more
responsibilities or other tasks if you're bored. Enroll in a special
course. If you're satisfied with the status quo and is just waiting for
retirement hoping things will stay the same, you're in for a big
disappointment - either you will be forced to change or you will be forced
to leave. Be ready before that time comes. Boredom or complacency is
perennial battle most professionals have to deal with. Arm yourself with
creativity everyday!

Tonight I suggest you rest well. Sit still and listen to what He is
saying. PRAY. I have always made my career decisions through His guidance.
He was and still is my Career Adviser/Talent Manager. Your work, our work,
is a vocation. He knows us more than we know ourselves so trust Him for
whatever plans He has for you. You can never go wrong.

Trust me it works!!!!

And remember: Use your head to get to the top. But use your heart to stay.

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