Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Someone who will listen to you when you need someone there, who will let you know everything will be alright.
Someone who will hold your hand, grab you and hold you at your waist tightly.
Kiss you without hesitation.
Miss you when you’re gone.
Tell you that you look BEAUTIFUL, not hot.
Look into your eyes and then make you laugh by making a silly face.
Let you use their shirt to dry your eyes when you cry.
Walks with you in the park, on the beach or on a trail.
Holds you tight while watching scary movies.
Moves the hair from your eyes just to stare at your face.
A guy who blushes when you say something sweet.
Gives you a flower he picks off the fence or yard.
Writes you sweet notes even if they are silly.
Makes love with you, not just fucks you.
A guy who likes random things and even weird ones,
lets you jump on his back for a piggy back ride,
has pillow fights with you,
tickles you only to end up in an endless kiss.
Plays games with you, runs down toy aisles with you while making you laugh.
Gives you a back rub, and lets you give him one.
Picks you up in his arms like he's saving you from danger.
Loves watching you go, but hates having you leave.
A guy who pinches your butt only to pretend to be innocent while you look at him with a smile telling him to behave,
Dances with you, even if it's only on the kitchen floor and not a real dancing floor,
Learns how to play a musical instrument so he can sing to you even though he can't sing,
Writes you songs and poems,
Gives you a lap dance just to make you laugh, drinks with you but takes care of you if you had too much.
Is thrilled that you're watching the ball games with him, and in turn will watch the chick-flicks with you,
A guy who, if you get mad at him, kisses you not to shut you up, but to show you he cares about you.
Protects you from harm, kisses your booboo if you get hurt.
Cooks for you, even if he has to follow a recipe, and cleans up afterwards.
Gives you an ice cold beer or a glass of wine while you’re cooking to show he appreciates your efforts,
Tries to give you a kiss on the back of your neck while you’re busy trying not to burn the barbecue.
Whispers “I love you” when he thinks you’ve already fallen asleep,
Let’s you know that everything will turn out right, and will find a way to keep you both together…
And just thanks God every day that he’s got the perfect Gift from HIM, that’s YOU

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