Saturday, December 15, 2007


I tried to google the definition of homophobia on the net and I got several. Most definition says it's a fear of gays and lesbians. The suffix "phobia" is derived from the Greek word "phobos." In English, it means either fear or loathing. "Homo" is a Greek for "same or equal." It's a conotation that it's a hatred of homosexuality or hatred of homosexuals or fear of gays and lesbians.

But this is not about that fear. What's left in my mind is the definition I collected long time ago and that is the fear of seeing yourself, the bad side of you, in other people. That's the fear that makes a baby to stop from crying when the baby hears his/her recorded tantrums.

I write this because I had an experience when I decided to give in to understand someone. I felt like being an undercover agent but not with the purpose of discovering something. I did it all for love. Read what I did for love.

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